
  • Lost & Found

    Lost & Found

    Matthew 10:34-38 Where’s our peace? Where and how do we feel that bedrock of assurance? Every time I watch TV, or look at social media there is an avalanche of messages persuading me that I can have peace, satisfaction, a sense of well being. But it’s all based on ephemera – there’s no substance, no… Continue reading

  • Four Threads

    No, it’s not the name of a Two Ronnies sketch, but the title of a sermon I preached a couple of months ago at Cuckfield Baptist Church. Particularly for those who are new to the Bible, it can be difficult to understand context, or to see how all the different bits are a whole. This… Continue reading

  • Feasting the Soul

    Reading the book of Jeremiah can be quite daunting. At first glance it appears to confirm the assessment of Jeremiah as the weeping prophet – full of judgement and hopelessness. But nothing could be further from the truth! The book of Jeremiah is a beacon of hope in the throes of a hopeless situation: the… Continue reading

  • What to do with the coming year…

    There’s a gap in our history of the apostle Paul. In Galatians 1:17 Paul himself alludes to it, but gives no more detail than the fact that he went to Arabia for a while. I don’t often speculate, but in this case I think I have fairly firm ground. Paul was steeped in the law.… Continue reading

  • What’s in a gift? What can we bring?

    I’ve just returned from a bit of last minute shopping. It’s frantic Friday – everyone is rushing, pushing, searching, trying to put the finishing touches on the event that Christmas has become. I was musing recently about why we give gifts at Christmas. Is it because we think of Jesus as God’s gift to us,… Continue reading