Category: <span>General</span>


Am I a heretic for not using the KJV? Having surfed the web, one would feel almost browbeaten into the conviction that all non Authorised Bible readers are heretics (their words, not mine). This is a terrible accusation to hurl at God loving, Bible believing born again of the Spirit of God brothers and sisters in the Lord, and yet the internet seems to give boldness to publish such invective. May God give grace to all to listen to him and not just talk about translations and texts in such a way. Let’s concentrate on obeying the content rather than picking our brand of nit.


What’s a sermon? We had a monologue on Sunday morning. The Bible was waved, but never opened. The content was contentious, but in no way edifying. Is this really acceptable in place of the presentation of God’s word before God and for his honour and the benefit of the flock? I don’t think so.


Just bought a book entitled “The Last Days according to Jesus” – so many writers today dive straight into the Apocalypse, and fail to analyse the teaching of Jesus, which is much more straightforward. The Apocalypse should be taken in the light of Jesus’ statements rather than trying to reinterpret what Jesus said to support our particular end times eschatology.


Just had a hold of baby Jessica Rose 🙂 – what a wonderful gift from God, the gift of a life to nurture and cherish. Lord bless and keep this little treasure in the centre of your Love.
